
A Guide to Air System Heat Recovery From Air Compressors

Posted on: March 6, 2020

The cost of electricity seems to go up every year, so it’s no surprise that businesses are looking at new ways to lower their energy use. Did you know that your air compressor can help you save energy? Many businesses consider compressed air among their most expensive utilities. Electricity to run an air compressor can […]

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It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Compressed Air System

Posted on: March 6, 2020

Your air compressor is a major part of your daily operations. That means you do a lot of little touch-ups or checks, but you might be neglecting major maintenance checks, which could harm your operations or end up costing you a lot of money in emergency repairs. With a proper maintenance schedule, your air compressor […]

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Air Compressors in Outer Space

Posted on: March 6, 2020

Air compressors in space are the unsung heroes of every mission. But we’re big fans of air compressors and of space, so we thought we’d share a little bit about how space agencies like NASA are using compressed air in outer space. If you wanted to fly to the moon, you’d probably think a lot […]

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Getting the Most Out of Your Compressor: A Guide for Breweries

Posted on: March 6, 2020

Compressed air is a mainstay in almost any independent or craft brewery. You likely already take steps to keep your boilers, hoppers, fermentation tanks and other equipment working its best — shouldn’t you be doing the same for your air compressor? In this article, we look at some easy ways to make your brewery more […]

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Are You Wasting Money by Not Fixing Compressed Air Leaks?

Posted on: February 26, 2020

Why You Need to Fix Compressed Air Leaks Compressed air systems are invaluable assets in a wide range of industries, and while it is often an unavoidable business expense, air leaks could be sapping more money out of your pocket in excessive energy losses every year. Even a small leak could be a detrimental financial […]

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Sound Reduction for Air Compressors

Posted on: February 26, 2020

Air compressors drive numerous processes across the automotive, canned goods and furnishings sectors. As such, air compressors of various models and sizes work around the clock, minute by minute, hour by hour at factories, manufacturing plants and workshops across North America and around the world. With prolonged operation, compressors can become a source of noise, […]

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Helium Beer: Truth or Myth?

Posted on: February 26, 2020

The craft beer world is no stranger to bold creations. From Dogfish Head’s “Celest-jewel-ale” — the only beer infused with genuine lunar meteorite dust — to independent brewer Tom Seefurth’s Mamma Mia Pizza Beer, which is exactly what it sounds like, the industry is never short of bizarre creations, boundary-pushing experiments and shameless promotional stunts. […]

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Snow Removal, Ice Chilling and More Winter Work for Air Compressors

Posted on: February 26, 2020

In regions where snow and ice are part of the winter season, air compressors are used in various ways for leisure, work, winterizing and safety. We’ve described some popular ways to use an air compressor for DIY projects and  provided a wide range of applications that compressors are used for in an industrial setting. In […]

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A Guide on When to Fix or Replace an Air Compressor

Posted on: February 26, 2020

Compressed air systems form the backbone of industrial manufacturing, are an essential component of medical facilities and are even responsible for keeping commercial food services running. Needless to say, many of the things that Americans have come to take for granted are only possible with the assistance of compressed air. Compressed air systems provide consistent, […]

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Hospital Air System Savings

Posted on: February 26, 2020

Hospitals rely on air compressors for a whole host of functions that range from facility operation to patient care. As such, compressed air systems often account for a sizable chunk of a hospital’s overhead. Understandably, saving money on compressed air in hospitals has become a primary goal among system operators who wish to cut down […]

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