Case Studies

Posted on: June 23, 2015

In today’s competitive sales world, finding ways to establish rapport and credibility can sometimes be tough to find. One tool often overlooked is a “referral” from current customers. Testimonial-type endorsements give potential customers more reasons to purchase from you. Research shows that testimonials can increase sales in consumer businesses by 30 percent and double or triple results in B2B sales.

Quincy Compressor believes these statistics to be true and has published more than half a dozen case studies to assist in spreading the word. A case study is a great way to not only put the spot light on the customer’s success story, but to also shed some light on the company who serves as the compressed air specialist. Although case studies are like endorsements, they are better because each one focuses on a specific industry issue and how a Quincy distributor and product provided the solution.

Check out our following Customer Case Studies:

Now it’s your turn to submit a case study. Why not put your story out there for everyone to see? You’ve been working hard, not it’s time for you to shine! We’re looking for case studies of those who have purchased Quincy Compressor products. Step into the spotlight when your case study turns into an actual published piece for others to read and admire! Submit your case study to